Making a film as a first-time director or producer is a very tough thing. I definitely learned that when I made mine. I read books about filmmaking, I asked advice of other filmmakers, I followed blogs and found articles about it – and they were all good and useful.
BUT, there was still so much I learned by doing. And I want to share that with others who want to make films.
Why listen to me?
Well, many of the things I experienced as a first-timer will be experienced by others. Plus, I raised all the money for the film (see CONSULTING) and I was able to cast actors from known TV shows besides being a complete unknown myself. I also wrote, directed, and produced the film – and got distribution for it.
Topics I can discuss:
- How I directed and produced the film (from Pre-Production to Post-Production)
- What should be in a business plan to attract investors
- How to decide if a crowdfunding campaign is right for you
- How I wrote my script
- How I cast name actors
- How I found a distributor
- What should be in a business plan to attract investors
- How to decide if a crowdfunding campaign is right for you
- How I wrote my script
- How I cast name actors
- How I found a distributor
To contact me about speaking, email [email protected]